
Beautiful and snappy
e-ink UIs, effortlessly

Quill UI on a device

A UI framework for advanced e-ink applications, in
Typescript — No embedded development needed!

  • Low-latency touch response
  • Developer friendly
  • Long battery life
  • Easy on the eyes
  • Performant transitions
  • Great on low-cost hardware
  • Beautiful graphics
  • Perfect for IoT applications
  • React-like UI in Typescript
  • Memory-safe Rust runtime
  • Great API documentation
  • And more...

Low-latency touch response

Our display stack achieves a response time of around 12 milliseconds, for a highly responsive feeling.

Fast transitions

Navigate between screens quickly and smoothly—never wait on a slow UI.

Quill UI showing album art on a dithered gradient background

Beautiful graphics

While many e-ink screens have a limited color palette, Quill produces smooth visuals with dithering and antialiasing.

Developer friendly

Develop your app in Typescript with our declarative UI layout system. If you know React, you’re ready to roll.

const Sidebar = (): VStack => { 
const linkTitles =
["Home" , "Features" , "Contact"];

return {
type: "VStack",
height: 540,
width: 120,
linkTitles.map(title => Link(title))
An ESP32 microcontroller lying on a table.

Low-cost hardware

Quill is meticulously engi­neered to run on off-the-shelf microcontrollers like the ESP­32. Don’t spend a for­tune on your hardware stack!

Long battery life

E-ink screens consume no battery while displaying. Quill's UI engine automatically sleeps for long battery life. Perfect for internet of things!

An e-ink screen hanging in front of a meeting room.

Quill enables e-ink applications for IoT, ambient displays, meeting room schedulers, and other electronic paper (e-paper) displays

An e-ink screen hanging in front of a meeting room.

Get in touch

Write to quill@intunio.se
or leave your email to book a demo
Developed by Intunio

We define, design, and develop intuitive user experiences. We're based in Gothenburg, Sweden.